About Kid's Korner
Bainbridge Pride's “Kid’s Korner” is a designated children’s area where community volunteers take turns to read some of the most popular LGBTQ themed books to children and their parents.
This is an educational festival program Bainbridge Pride started in June 2019 in hopes of teaching tolerance and spreading unconditional love to its young listeners.
We couldn't have introduced this program without the help of our friends at Eagle Harbor Book Company, who provided this year list of books!
Sign Up Today to be a Reader for 2020!
How You Can Help
Every year our organization looks for passionate community members and organizations who would like to donate the following for our children's area.
Coloring Books
LGBTQ Themed Books
Arts & Craft Materials

Thank You To Our 2019 Kid's Korner Contributors
Leigh & Kelly
Steven Facer
Eagle Harbor Book Company